Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My first words to my amazing readers:)

Salt {2008.

Welcome salt lovers to my blog. 

Many have referred that food which is a wee bit salty, is better. Dear Reader, the queen method of creative food is using a lot of salt, isn't that true? If not, who can tell which is easier, creating recipes with salt or sweetness? Salt is what it is all about, isn't it? With salt one can create new delicious recipes and enjoy his eating habits.

Every week here at My Salty Tooth, I'll be sharing two new and inspiring recipe with our readers. Most of these will be creative, from the taste to the color. Some of them will be challenges to help you make the best you can! And each one will include pics from both my cooking and my friends' cooking, as well as any tips or tricks we think might help you out.

Salty meals are not expensive. For example, KABSAH which is going to be our first recipe:), is really cheap, and you can feed many people with it:).  

I'd love for you to take a minute to explore my blog. And may you enjoy long life and delicious living! Good luck salt lovers.



  1. Have you always had a salty tooth? When did you first notice it?

    1. Hi Karen,
      I have my salty tooth since I was little.
      when I was kid, my Mom used to yell at me saying " don't eat salt without any think else"
      I used to eat salt, just salt, that is how strange my salty tooth is:)
      In this blog I'll write delicious recipes, just wait for it.

  2. Hi Karen,
    I have my salty tooth since I was little.
    when I was kid, my Mom used to yell at me saying " don't eat salt without any think else"
    I used to eat salt, just salt, that is how strange my salty tooth is:)
    In this blog I'll write delicious recipes, just wait for it.

  3. and what does your doctor say about your salty tooth?

    1. My Doctor was jealous of my salty tooth:)
      Actually I sent my dentist one of my salty recipes, and she really enjoyed it.
      you remind me of telling my dentist about my blog :)
      Thanks Dana :)))

  4. Dear SALTY TOOTH! What do you think it is in salt that makes you want it? I wonder if the answer is in the chemistry of our bodies. What do you think? Can you find out?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Dear Hallelujah,
      Salt is not only taste of food, but also passion of life.
      Salt can reset your feelings, and it can also transform your life and open your magnificence to all its possibilities.
      So, The thing makes me want it is its ability to make you taste life differently :)
      However, since I have two other blogs, started in 2009, I want to make this blog about SALTY RECIPES because I write about my salty life in my other blogs.
      And as my teacher always said " be your self", I would like to be my self in this blog and write about salty recipes in companionable style.
